- Payment is cash only.
- For large items, it may take about a week for delivery.
- Cash on delivery (COD) may not be available if your order includes special-order items. In that case, please make a payment by bank transfer first.
- If your COD order includes back-order items, all items in the same order will be shipped together when all of them become available.
- If you wish to receive in-stock items first, please split the orders.
- If you refuse to receive the parcel due to the circumstances of the customer, you will be responsible for the round-trip shipping costs.
The shipping conditions for the COD order are as follows.
Purchase Amount Limit |
Total amount of purchases must be below 200,000 yen |
Form of Shipment |
Multiple items packed as 1 shipment |
Package |
One order in multiple packages available |
COD Fee |
Free |
Size |
Excludes large items |
Comments |
*Payments can only be made with cash only. |
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