Hello. I'm Mieno, the bass player in the HammondOrgan instrumental band “Banana Needle”. This time,
ゴクゴクゴク…。 王子? ゴクゴク…。 王子ってば? ゴクゴク…。プハーーッ。 何飲んでるんすか。コラム始めますよ? それは失礼。いやー、ドリン
さてさて今回は? ヘッドのカタチ! え?今日はいつもの無駄なオープニングボケ無しですか? うん!ヘッドのカタチ! あの…ご存知だとは思いますが自分は無頭派なもので…
Now, what about this time?" le le le… Huh? le le le… Are you shaking...? Simp
Recently, I experienced my first tire blowout while driving. And it happened in a loaner car! Because it was hot, I had
Hello. I would like to see 1 tablespoon written in recipes as 15g. Are the parentheses around the cc in ml (cc) necess
Well, it's already the end of the year. It is, isn't it? Thank you for all your help this year! Than
Hello, everyone. I am a sales representative at Sound House. When you hear the term “jazz guitar”, what
Hello! Though I intended to conclude this blog series about Epiphone guitars in three parts, there are still many c
Hello. In my previous post, I wrote about the history of the Epiphone brand. This time, I’ll be introducing s
さて今日は? エフ! F? そう、エフ! エフ…パッと思いついたヤツ言ってみてもいいですか?多分というか絶対違うんですけど。 お、いいよ。言ってみて。 エフといえば、藤子・
As the title suggests, I am a rare music amateur staff member at Sound House, as I do not play an instrument nor have I
さて今回は? インレイ! え、もう本題?早くないですか? うん! いつもの長尺の小ネタないんや… すぐ本題でいいんれーす。 …それが言いたいだけ?(苦笑)
Have any of you ever removed the control cavity panel of your guitar? Many of you might not have done it, thinking that
さあ、年も明けたということで! そうですね。もう二月になりますよ。 恒例の!今年のマイニューギア予想〜! 恒例かどうか知りませんけれども(笑) さて、今年は何を買おうかね? うーん&helli
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